Schedule of Gaming Events

Lower City of Xin-Shalast

Lower City of Xin-Shalast

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Need to schedule our next RotRL date

OK. Gen Con is over and summer is almost gone too. It has been too long since we played our game.

That said, we need to set a date for our next RotRL session. Based upon my calendar right now, I believe I can make any of the days on the weekends of 9/21-9/23 and 9/28-9/30. (Saturdays 9/22 and 9/28 are the ideal days but the others could work.)

How do the schedules for the rest of you look?

We are down to Matt H, Dan, Brian, Matt F, Paul and Bruce as our core 6 players. I need a date where at least 5 of you can attend. Please try to post to the blog so that everyone is included.