Schedule of Gaming Events

Lower City of Xin-Shalast

Lower City of Xin-Shalast

Monday, May 24, 2010

Need to choose a date for June

It is almost June and it is time to set a date for our next gaming session.

Based on my schedule, which is busy, I appear to have only a couple of possible dates available.

The dates are:

Sunday June 13th (2:00-8:00ish)
Saturday June 19th (5:00 - 12:00ish)

Please vote using the poll on the blog. If you have comments, please respond to this post on the blog.


  1. Sunday the 13th is better for me at the moment.

  2. So far I have heard from Matt H, Matt F and Joe. All are saying that Sunday 6/13/10 is the better day.
