Schedule of Gaming Events

Lower City of Xin-Shalast

Lower City of Xin-Shalast

Monday, April 29, 2013

RotRL date for May?

Do we have any idea if we will be able to game in May?

I have thrown out some dates that will work for me in May. I have not heard back from anyone.

Again, dates that will work for me are:

Friday, 5/10/13 - I could likely start as early as 6:00 PM.

Friday, 5/17/13 - I could likely start as early as 6:00 PM.

Saturday, 5/18/13 - I would think our 3:00 PM start would work.

Sunday, 5/19/13 - This is Gen Con event registration day. I would think our 3:00 PM start would work. (We could also try for earlier.)

I would still like to stick with the 5 players to play rule but I can be flexible as long as the characters are present.



  1. i think my stupid hours are over. so, whenever.

  2. I would much prefer the 18th, 17th would be a compromise, 19th is out for me.

    Pretty sure the same holds for Dan.

  3. 17/18 I will be up in Saginaw for part of the day. Not sure what that really translates to being able to get there.

    Cleric I can update and send, not sure about me currently.
